I've been working in SoHo for the past few weeks, and have lunch sitting outdoors, basking in the sun. After about 10 minutes, I'm done with eating, and get a little bored sitting around for another 20 before going back to work. As I stared at the cobblestone street, an idea popped into my head, and I walked to Canal Street to find a store selling school supplies. I returned with a box of colored chalk, and made a lot of the locals smile.
A Record of All the Offbeat Encountered In Just One Year In the Life of An Oddball
Friday, May 8, 2015
Spring Has Sprung
While this post is still something unexpected, it's not actually something I found.
I've been working in SoHo for the past few weeks, and have lunch sitting outdoors, basking in the sun. After about 10 minutes, I'm done with eating, and get a little bored sitting around for another 20 before going back to work. As I stared at the cobblestone street, an idea popped into my head, and I walked to Canal Street to find a store selling school supplies. I returned with a box of colored chalk, and made a lot of the locals smile.
I think I may do this more often, whenever (and wherever) I can.
I've been working in SoHo for the past few weeks, and have lunch sitting outdoors, basking in the sun. After about 10 minutes, I'm done with eating, and get a little bored sitting around for another 20 before going back to work. As I stared at the cobblestone street, an idea popped into my head, and I walked to Canal Street to find a store selling school supplies. I returned with a box of colored chalk, and made a lot of the locals smile.
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